Virtual production is a term used to describe the process of using digital tools to create or enhance the production of film, TV, or other visual media. It involves using computer-generated graphics and real-time rendering to create a virtual environment that can be used in place of traditional physical sets or locations.

In virtual production, we can create realistic and complex environments and characters in a virtual space. This can include creating a digital version of a city or natural landscape, or designing and animating fictional creatures or characters. The use of virtual production can help to save time and resources, as well as provide greater creative control and flexibility in the filmmaking process.

One key aspect of virtual production is real-time rendering, which allows filmmakers to see the final result of their work in real-time as they create it. This is often done in game engine with Unreal and Unity being the two primary engines use build these virtual sets. With game engines you can leverage realtime physics and other dynamic vfx and volumes. 

This can help to speed up the production process and allow for greater collaboration between different members of the creative team.

Overall, virtual production is an innovative and rapidly evolving field that has the potential to transform the way that films and TV shows and WEB3 get created. It allows creators to push the boundaries of what is possible and create stunning, immersive visual experiences for audiences around the world.